September 2023 Night Sky In The Campground

The September Sky is full of campfire stories.

Starting September 4, the moon and Jupiter are close in the sky. You can catch the view after sunset.

September 5, the moon, the Pleiades, and Jupiter dance.

September 14, New Moon, get out and stargaze.

September 18, that big bright light in the sky is Venus.

September 22, the Autumnal Equinox.

September 26, the moon and Saturn sit close together; this is the perfect night to check out Saturn’s rings.

September 26, Saturn and the moon at twilight.

September 29, the Harvest Moon takes center stage.

Camp Fires Stories: September, high up in the sky after 9 PM, look up and tell the story of Pegasus and Andromeda. Look for the Great Square. Once you find this, the rest is a little bit easier, so dazzle the campground with the tale of Perseus saving Andromeda from Medusa on the winged horse Pegasus, then turn a ninety-degree right at Mirach to find M31, the Andromeda  Galaxy.

Camp Note: The best part of camping is bringing a sky chart into the campground. Some fantastic apps for your phones make the search so much easier.

This September is the perfect chance to check out the
Andromeda Galaxy.

On the 14th and the 15th of September, the moonless night makes for an ideal opportunity to catch the galaxy with the naked eye, but binoculars or telescopes can make it even more magical.

The Magazine always has the monthly night sky notes.


Looking for easy camping desserts for the campground try campfire pudding jars.


Camping 101 for the campground.