Before you head out on the road.

First Day Meal Planning


Chapter 30-All about the food

Every camper is different; some of us love to eat out, others make all the meals ahead of time. Cooking and cleaning can be time-consuming.
Planning ahead with checklist for an easy first few days of meals make camping so much happier.

Plan first day snacks, dinner and desert in advance.

Checklist Made Easy

A travel day checklist is excellent for making the first day the easiest. Packing up and packing out is more work than you think. Having a meal ready is the best!

Shop local for a few meals to keep the food content down on the way to the campground. Groceries take up a lot of room in the car and camper, so shop home-grown markets and farm stands. It help communities and provides the chance to check out the local town atmosphere. Most campgrounds also have nearby markets.

#1 tip, take what you need for a few nights,
buy the rest en route to the campsite.


Campfire Chocolate Jars


Ramen Bowl