Tent Camping: Create a home.

Home is where your tent is.

Camping in a tent can be a wonderful experience. No matter the size of your tent, step into your camping home with whimsical layouts. Lay down rugs in layers to warm up the surroundings. Add solar lighting inside and out. Folding tables pack well and open up to form a nightstand. Bring containers that fold for easy storage of clothing and assorted camping gear. Check out portable camp refrigerators for easy nighttime snacks and drinks. Create a hidden section for your portable toilet or purchase an outside tent for a private restroom. Don’t forget your pets; create a warm, comforting bed with water and treats. Have an inside wash station for nighttime cleanup. Camping in a campground can be a fantastic get-a-way, even in a tent. Home it up with plush bedding and pillows, and don’t forget your Let’s Go Camping Guide.

Lay it out!

checklist on glaming up your camping tent

A warm comfy bed can make all the difference.


Glamping Notes

Looking for more ways to glamp
up your camping experience?


The Let’s Go Camping Guide loves the campground.
Printable PDF checklist are available with the purchase of your journal.


Can you go camping without a checklist?


Think about packing up when camping for an easy packing out.