Night Sky in the Campground
June’s Night Sky
Looking Up!
The night sky can take you away with the most fantastic camping stories.
Pull up the chairs, move away from the fire and stare up.
June 2021
June 7-Find two of the brightest stars Castor and Pollux, part of the Gemini Constellation, look up about an hour after sunset, western-northwest. Tell the story about twin half-brothers and how the came to become part of the constellation moving across the sky.
June 10-New Moon creates the perfect darkness for stargazing
June 20-Summer Solstice the start of summer.
June 24-Strawberry Moon-time to gather wild strawberries and to tell the history of the moon and its relationship to farming.
Best viewing Planets-Jupiter and Venus-Did you know stars twinkle not planets-there are a lot of great sky maps for finding Jupiter and Venus both can be found with the naked eye but if you have a telescope, the view of Jupiter is awesome.
Want to know more Chapter 40 Night Sky.
Check sky charts for times in your sky zone and look up!