January 2022 Night Sky

Get into the campground.

Happy New Year, starting the year off with the Night Sky. Looking forward to a new year of camping experiences.

Night Sky

January 3, 2022
Get out for the Quadrantids Meteor Shower; it peaks at dawn-look towards the Big Dipper handle.

January 17, 2022,
Take a telescope to the campground and let everyone enjoy the beauty of the and full moon.

January 21, 2022
The Pleiades, seven sisters, daughters of Atlas shine.

January Planets 

Neptune, the blue planet, glows in the early evening southwestern sky.
Uranus, the small green dot, can be found in the southern sky around 7 PM
Viewing Saturn’s rings is always the highlight. Look southwest.
Jupiter bight light is best viewed early in the month
Mars, the golden planet, can be found in the pre-dawn sky-getting brighter towards the end of the month
Catch Venus low in the west this month.
Mercury shows up in the southwestern sky after sunset .

The New Year is the perfect time to get your checklist, camping notes, camping journals.


Getting ready for the campground.


Happy Holidays