Elephant Seal Rookery

The Elephant Seals are a great way to fine-tune at least four of the five senses. You can hear their well-known lyrics as you pull up to Elephant Seal Vista Point in San Simeon. When you get out of the parking lot, the scent is something to remember. The senses go full throttle with the ocean breeze and landscape playing with all the surrounding smells. The sight of the seals is just as breathtaking; we were there for August,  so there was plenty of romping in the ocean waves, napping, and vocals. Although you do not get to touch or forbid taste the elephant seal, you can imagine their smooth or molting skins from the original walkway above the rookery.

Taking a Road Trip, stop by to release the sense and enjoy the beauty of the Elephant Seals of San Simeon, then stop for lunch for a seaside meal or find a bench and taste the sea air as it whispers secrets for campground fireside story night.

Find ways to release the sense of sound, smell, sight, touch, and taste.

For more on the San Simeon Rookery check out Friends of the Elephant Seals.

Northern Elephant Seals-named after the large male noses that look like elephant trunks, the male elephant seals range from 14-16 feet, weighing 5,000 pounds. According to the rookery website, females vary 9-12 feet and weigh on average 900-1,000 pounds.

Stop and walk around the landscape to enjoy the beauty of the cypress trees shaped by the wind.


Otters Morro Bay