In the Campground: First Night Meal
Chapter 30 It’s all about the food
The road to the campground is always long, even if it's just a few hours away. Setting up takes time; the most fashionable RV still needs hookups and unloading of campground items. Once everything is set up, the last thing you may want to do unless you are a chef is dinner. That's why the first night's meal should be planned out ahead of time.
Think about the meal, the people and plan it as if you are at home. Make that first meal ahead of time; you can freeze it or package it up depending on what it is, we are all different, but the one thing that should bond every first-night camper is the ease in which the first meal is created.
Less is more on the first night. Try to use paper or Eco-friendly products like paper plates, napkins, utensils; if you can, then you can toss it or burn it to start the evening fire.
Make sure all are chemical-free.
Stopping along the way to the campground for groceries keeps the packing down; it also allows the opportunity to find fresh ingredients for all campground meals.
Roadside Fruit Salad is what you make it. When you see the sign, pullover, walk around, check out what is in season-add some lettuce, berries, fruit. Mix up a vinaigrette with fresh honey, set the table, and enjoy the flavors of locally grown freshness.